
Page One

Welcome, everyone, to my little Sketchbook of Impossible Things, dedicated to my semester abroad in the faraway land of Britannia. It's my way of staying in touch with all of you* from abroad. I'll be posting little snippets of life in the UK and - of course - bunches of sketches, drawings, and pretty pictures of all kinds.* And footnotes, too, when I can help myself.

First, a little bit of info: I'll be studying in the Animation Production Programme at the Arts Institute at Bournemouth for the winter term (January to March). If you don't already know, Bournemouth is a coastal town in Dorset, about 2 hours** to the southwest of London.

So stay tuned, ladies and chaps, because it's going to be a wild ride! Or at least moderately interesting.

* All paper supplied by Schmermund, Schmermund & Schmermund, master stationers.
** Or rather, you staying in touch with me, as this is (for the most part) a one-way street.
*** As the train... er... rails?